Home Owner Resources

Carpet Cleaning

  • Southern Tier Chem-Dry Carpet Cleaning and Upholstery - (607) 962-3586

Countertops (Granite)

Deck Awnings

see “Approved Colors” List For required color and style

Decks, Cleaning/Restoration/Painting/Staining

Deck Building/Replacement

see “Approved Colors” List For required color and style – including Trex and other composite products


Lighting Replacement lights over the garage, deck, and under the front door portico must match the original fixtures as closely as possible. Please contact the GPWHA for its currently recommended models or to verify your choice before installation.

Garage Door Replacement

Handyman Services

Heating and Air Conditioning


Landscaping and Lawn Care

Lawn Care and Snow Removal

Painting (Indoor /Outdoor)

see “Approved Colors” List for all exterior colors



Power Washing





We recommend models with the dividers permanently placed between the two sheets of glass for complete window replacement. The original grid pattern is three towns of three panes each (nine panes total). Models with two rows of three panes each (six panes total) also are acceptable.

Windows, Arched with Association-approved Stencil Pattern

Note: After extensive research (Fall ’08), there only are two providers of approved replacement arched windows. Allstate Glass provides a metal stencil in non-tempered glass ($800-$900) or tempered glass ($1,100-$1,200). The lower circle of the metal stencil is not “filled in” but is approved for use; an example is at 9 Denver Ct. East. Rob Laman provides a vinyl stencil with the lower circle filled in. Please note that tinted windows are not permitted as they are noticeably different in appearance and have sub-standard long-term performance, according to the vendor. Current quotes can be obtained at the numbers below:

Window Dividers

These are replacements for the metal dividers and pointy clips in the original windows.

Window Washing

Seasonal Tips and Reminders

Seasonal Tips and Reminders Including Landscaping Issues

Things to think about throughout the year and for each season.


  • Pick up loose trash and garbage from your yard or in the community if you are walking around.
  • Pick up after your pets, not just in your yard, but wherever the pet chooses to go, including the Islands.
  • When you put out your garbage, make sure to cover the containers. Please avoid leaving bags outside of containers because of the problem of animals spreading trash.
  • Ensure window dividers are in place.


  • Submit plans for new landscaping and any outdoor renovations to the GPWHA Board by filling out the footer form below.
  • Prepare for the spring inspection. Any violations should be corrected within 30 days or notify the Board with a plan of correction if additional time is needed.
  • Remember to clean up the area of the bank/hillside that you own. This includes weeding, trimming, removing diseased or dying plants, trees, and bushes, and replacing them as needed. Some homeowners go together with their neighbors and have a landscaping service clean up the entire bank/hillside at one time.
  • Power wash decks and areas of your townhouse that have gotten moldy or mossy. This is especially prominent on the Northside of the townhouses.


  • Do not throw grass clippings or any yard waste in the stream. This practice causes a dam effect and increases erosion issues.
  • Trim trees and bushes as they grow. Consider hiring a tree service to trim trees that are tall and need attention. Sometimes neighbors join together and have gotten a reduced rate.
  • Keep lawns trimmed as needed.


  • Do not throw leaves in the stream. This practice causes a dam effect and increases erosion issues.
  • Seal driveways. Repair cracks.
  • Cover bushes that are prone to deer eating them.


  • Do not park on the street if snow is in the forecast so the plows can get through.
  • Shovel snow away from the mailboxes and fire hydrants to aid your less-able neighbors.